U.S. Airport Financial Data on Form 5100-127

This page provides U.S. airport financial data reported to the FAA on form 5100-127 for their respective fiscal years 2009 through 2021.  You can find most up to date information at FAA Official Site. Data for 1996 through 2008 are not provided due to different format.

Form 5100-127 is the most convenient source for analyzing airport financials, but data errors are plenty. In general, we should avoid using Form 5100-127 data if related information is available from other sources:

  • Data for each airport were filed by airport staff by reclassifying their financial data to fit a predefined template
    • Data typically won't match numbers in audited financials.  This issue is being resolved over time. When I checked FY 2013 large hub operating revenues and expenses, difference is relatively minor
    • There are typo and other inputting errors
    • Classification errors are plenty, since many airports have not provided all revenue details, such as revenues for international arriving areas
    • There are also database errors in prior year, where totals or subtotals won't add up
  • In addition, U.S. airports are classified based on their revenue enplaned passengers as a percentage of total U.S.  For example, CVG was a large hub through 2009 before dropping to a medium hub, so large hub totals in 2013 are not directly comparable to those in 2009. Majority of the trend analyses I have seen did not take this issue into consideration. PDX became a large hub in 2014, so we will see future analyse talking about significant growth in large hub stats in FY 2014...

When using this data source, one is encouraged to look through all details before drawing a conclusion. In this particular form, all airports are reclassified according to CY 2014 revenue enplaned passengers published by the FAA. 

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