Large Hub Landing Fee Rate and Rates and Charges Books

Most U.S. airports recalculae airline rates and charges annually and send a rate package to the airlines for discussion.  After airline consultation, an airport may post a simplified version online for public access. This web page is a database-driven summary of airline rates and charges files of U.S. large hub airports. Those rate books may offer useful information on the rate calculation (such as the MIA rate book) and rate level. However, it is difficult to compare rates between airports

  • Landing fee rates are relatively comparable, because they are applied to similar activity measurements, such as maximum gross landed weight or take-off weight
  • Terminal rental rates are not comparable, because there may be different weight factors, such as 2.0x rental rates for holdroom space
  • Some airports prepare calculations of per-turn airline payment per enplaned passenger.  Those calculations are much more useful for analyzing airport costs.

AirportLanding Fee RateEffectiveSource
ATL1.41067/1/2024Jul24 Rate
BOS4.590010/1/2018No public copy
BWI3.92007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
CLT1.62007/1/2023Jul23 Rate
DCA1.61001/1/2024Jan24 Rate
DEN4.73001/1/2024Jan24 Rate
DFW3.370010/1/2024Oct24 Rate
DTW3.680010/1/2016 2023 Budget
EWR8.23007/1/2024Jan24 Rate
FLL1.620010/1/2018Oct18 Rate
HNL5.17007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
IAD1.40001/1/2024Jan24 Rate
IAH2.27701/1/2025Jan25 Rate
JFK6.76007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
LAS0.94004/1/202424Q3 Report
LAX4.89007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
LGA17.72007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
MCO2.032310/1/2023Oct23 Rate
MDW7.95007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
MIA1.620010/1/2023Oct23 Rate
MSP4.54001/1/20242024 Budget
ORD12.83407/1/2024Jul24 Rate
PDX4.41007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
PHL5.29007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
PHX2.10007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
SAN4.38007/1/20242025 Budget
SEA4.56001/1/2024Jan24 Rate
SFO6.48007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
SLC5.37007/1/2024Jul24 Rate
TPA2.676010/1/2024Oct24 Rate