Sample Airport Dashboard
This page includes a list of sample airport dashboard, which includes capital program, operating expenses, revenues, and traffic. Each dashboard is put on a separate page to improve loading speed.
Tutorial dashboard
This dashboard ilustrates different ways to interact with a Tableau dashboard.
Capital Improvement Program Cash Flow
This simplified dashboard provides funding sources, annual cash flow, and location for each projects in the CIP.
Operating Expenses
This dashboard compares FYTD operating expenses to prior year results or budget, and allows an user to drill down into granualar details.
U.S. Airport Revenues and Expenses
This dashboard shows historical revenues and expenses for U.S. airports in 2009 to 2014. The underlying data can be pulled under this link.
U.S. Domestic Air Fare
The dashboard provides a quick overview of domestic air fare complied by U.S. DOT. For a detailed description or underlying data, see this link. This dashboard is driven by parameters rather than filter.
U.S. Revenue Enplaned Passengers
This dashboard reflects actual data from U.S. Department of Transportation through November 2014. For a detailed description or underlying data, see this link. This dashboard is driven by parameters rather than filter.
Airline Scheduled Departing Seats from U.S.
This sample dashboard presents scheduled airline departing seats in July-September 2015, and allows users to drill down into further details. This dashboard will be updated on Tableau Online rather than Tableau Public. To receive monthly updates in PDF or open an Tableau Online account, please email
Gobal Airline Scheduled Departing Seats
This sample dashboard presents scheduled airline departing seats in July-September 2015, and allows users to drill down into further details. This dashboard will be updated on Tableau Online rather than Tableau Public. To receive monthly updates in PDF or open an Tableau Online account, please email